FCP Architects

We care about quality design.  Our 20 year history of working with the same major “blue chip” commercial clients since practice inception shows we deliver.

For more information visit www.fcparchitects.com


At Priori, we provide solutions for the Energy Sector.

These solutions use advanced predictive and prescriptive analytics and machine learning algorithms to diagnose operational problems, with enough lead time to facilitate remedial actions to avoid downtime or failure, to optimize your operations and reduce costs.

For more information visit www.priorianalytica.com

Tern Consulting

Tern Consulting is a global management consultancy specializing in technology and business transformation strategy.

For more information visit www.ternconsulting.com

Dancy Energy

Dancy Energy is a niche consulting company, focused on the Marketing and Promotion within the Energy industry. With roots in the Oil and Gas industry, we are looking towards the Energy Transition and focusing our efforts on supporting governments and regulators not only in licensing rounds, but looking to include elements of the transition to more renewable, sustainable forms of energy.

For more information visit www.dancyenergy.com