With thanks to Saeed Mubarak for these notes

The conference took place in Crown Plaza Muscat, Oman during the period from 23-25 September 2012 with >100 participants from various technology providers and a few operators mostly from PDO.

Discussions covered upstream technologies and processes, collaboration work environment, change management, workflows, HSE, Surface communication etc. Fewer discussions on upstream, reservoir management, downhole instrumentation or completions, quantifying value of Intelligent Field implementations.

Some of the takeaways and subjects for future technical events:

-For quick adaption – Make it simple (i.e. hardware, technology, change management)
-Requirements for smoother change needs visionary leaders
-Wireless technologies improvement is very pronounced
-Why wouldn’t Industry leaders adopt unified standards for technologies, protocols and even the name of the “New business Environment” DOF,IO, Field of the future, iFields, Smart Fields etc.?
-Do we have enough experts in the various aspects of DOF? What’s the plan to overcome relevant challenges?
-Will there be any unintended consequences of DOF?

The event was a quick one and intensive and provided good networking opportunities.