Independent Digital Transformation Experts

Stepchange Global is the world’s leading independent Digital Transformation in Mining and Oil and Gas, (Digital Oilfield (DOF), Digital Mine, Smart Fields etc) and Integrated Operations (IO) Consultancy and Advisory Company. We are the acknowledged international experts in the digitalisation of front-line operational assets. We help you maximise the value from your technology spend by enhancing your people, process and organisational performance.

Stepchange Global works with operational assets to implement digital strategies, programmes, projects and pilots with a focus on collaboration, minimum staffing, automation, analytics and internet of things (IoT) to deliver outstanding performance improvement, with typical payback time being less than 6 months. We deliver the capability to add value through:

People Change

We take a people-centred approach to the management of change, to overcome the natural resistance to the new ways of working

Process Workflow

We streamline your processes to be collaborative, real-time, remote and maximise the use of data and information

Technology and Data

We are technology agnostic, and will advise on the latest digital technologies that most add value to your frontline operations

Organisation /Governance

We align your organisation structures and incentives to maximise the value from the use of data and information

Remote Operations Centre

Physical Environment

We design integrated Remote Operations and Control Centres for some of the largest oil and gas operators in the world

IO is enabled by global access to real-time information, collaborative technology and integration of expertise across disciplines, organisations and geographical locations. This is not limited to upstream operations; digital transformation can be applied in many different areas, including:

Upstream Oil and Gas

Application of DOF/IO and collaborative working to upstream oil and gas operations

Well Life Cycle

Application of DOF/IO and collaborative working in the Well Life Cycle

Downstream & LNG

Application of DOF/IO and collaborative working to pipeline, LNG and refinery operations

Mining Operations

Application of IO, collaborative working and remote control to the mining value chain

Solar Wind Hydrogen

Energy Transition

We are taking our experience and expertise from extractive industries to create new organisational models for the Energy Transition


The Stepchange Global offering includes: Digital Transformation Consultancy and Advisory Services, Remote Operations Centre design and implementation, Management of Change for operational performance improvement and minimum staffed operational models and project concepts.

Global Reach

Stepchange Global has worked in every major oil and gas region in the world, as well as major mining areas.  They have undertaken and completed projects on every continent, and are in demand as speakers and thought leaders across the globe.