What have we learned in the last 15 years of digital transformationWe were delighted to hear that a webinar with Tony Edwards was one of the most popular highlights of GLOBUC events of 2023!  Featured in the Digital Energy Talks in March 2023, the webinar consisted of a discussion on “What have we learned from the last 15 years of Digital Transformation? Digital and Remote Operations Benchmarking of Brownfield and Greenfield Assets”.

Further information:

Stepchange Global has developed a Digital enablement and remote operations benchmark approach and tool.

It consists of 130+ questions that cover:

  • Digitally enabled work processes
  • Basic digital technologies,
  • Advanced digital technologies,
  • Vision, value, and alignment
  • People training, competency, and resistance to change
  • Organisational alignment and implementation

Tony Edwards, CEO of StepChange Global will share the set of industry lessons learned on what are the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful Digitally enabled assets.

To watch or rewatch the webinar, click here

This webinar formed part of Go Digital’s Digital Energy Talks.

Digital Energy topics that are interesting to everyone. Professional discussions and expert assessments. Globuc special interview series for plastics and petrochemicals industry professionals.

The Go Digital Energy Virtual Talk Series will cover a wide range of topics of current importance for the industry and create an online platform for meaningful discussions about not only digitalization technologies.

We invite everyone with an interest in the digital transformation of the energy industry to join us.

More episodes will be announced shortly!