The Art of Intelligent Energy 2 – A long way to go before the benefits of the Digital Oilfield outweigh the effort involved

Tony Edwards, CEO of StepChange Global, the International Digital Oilfield Consultancy, will be speaking at SPE’s Intelligent Energy Conference in Dubai, in October. Building on his previous paper – the Art of Intelligent Energy – Tony will be looking at the developments in the field since 2010, and explore what has worked and what still needs to be done.

Currently no one Vendor can successfully deliver across the entire value chain” he states. “Vendors work at producing a working integrated operation based on a vertical stack, within disciplines or within one part of the oilfield lifecycle. Much harder to achieve – though well worth the effort – is an integrated operation based on the horizontal workflow, from subsurface appraisal through to export”.

Tony will be delivering a further paper entitled “Intelligent Energy – Changing how work gets done”, a paper produced in collaboration with MIT specifically for the conference.

StepChange Global will be exhibiting during the conference, on stand D40.