Stepchange Global will be exhibiting at the Exposibram 2020 event, hosted by the Brazilian Mining Institute (IBRAM) which will take place on 24, 25 and 26 November 2020 and, for the first time, will be 100% held in a virtual environment.

The event aims to emphasize the importance of mining for Brazil’s socioeconomic development, generate long term business opportunities, attract the interest of companies and investors to Brazilian mining, encourage geological research, open job opportunities in multiple levels and stimulate the emergence of new production chains in various sectors of the Brazilian economy.

EXPOSIBRAM 2020 will provide exhibition virtual spaces for mining companies, suppliers of diversified machinery and equipment and service providers from various countries. The state sector, research institutions, universities, entities related to the mining industry, NGOs and others will also be among the exhibitors.

Held in parallel with the exhibition, each edition of the Brazilian Mining Congress attracts participants comprising experts, researchers, students and company representatives from various nations. The Congress programme will include talks and debates on the global political and socio-economic context, as well as the business outlook for the next few decades.

For additional information, clarification or assistance, please contact the Executive Secretariat of EXPOSIBRAM 2020, ÉTICA Eventos, e-mail