Fred Clark, of StepChange Global, will be speaking at the Automation and Digitalization Conference and Exhibition 2024, to be held in Houston, 23-24th September 2024.

Fred will be speaking on ‘Operational Excellence at Scale: ‘Leveraging Exception Management in Remote Oil & Gas Operations’

    • Many operators are challenged with high well counts spread over large geographic areas. How can they scale the business while maintaining OPEX? Globally, operators have developed the capability of a ‘remote operations centre’, where they bring real-time data to a central team which can act to prevent a downtime event based on exceptions, alerts, and performance gaps.
    • How remote operations provides engineering and operations teams with real-time access to critical operational data to improve situational awareness and enable faster decision-making.
    • How transforming the traditional role of operators visiting ‘every well every day’ to optimizing remote worker productivity by directing the field team to the day’s priorities.
    • Share lessons learned and key elements to deliver a remote operations centre which can deliver scalable operational excellence and how a small team can manage,100’s or 1,000’s of wells remotely.

About OGAD2024

Leveraging The Technology Innovation & Digital Revolution: The Oil & Gas Automation and Digitalization Conference and Exhibition is a premier event for industry leaders exploring cutting-edge technologies, addressing challenges through digitalization and fostering collaboration with IoT, AI/ML, and digital solution providers.

Building on the success of our 5th edition, the 2024 conference remains a vital meeting place for the industry, focusing on the latest digital developments and driving the sector’s journey towards efficiency and sustainability.

For more information: OGAD 2024