From Real-Time Data to Informed Decisions at all stages of the Well Lifecycle

Real-time digital drilling workflows, processes and technologies now support all key stages of the well lifecycle, from initial well planning, drilling and completion, through production with multiple workovers and interventions, followed by the well plug and abandon processes.

Using industry recognised data exchange standards (eg WITSML), real-time drilling data can rapidly be translated into up-to-the-minute well engineering information and knowledge, enabling remote geosteering support for the current well trajectory, refining the final selection of the geological target and placement of the well completion hardware.

Your key petrotechnical and well engineering workflows, procedures and processes can be enhanced and facilitated by designing a remote operations centre to enable and support your way of working. Stepchange Global remote operations centre designs are created to meet both current and future business and technical requirements. We do not supply a prescribed solution or facility design.

Stepchange Global Offering

Stepchange Global has worldwide expertise throughout the well lifecycle, from strategy definition and alignment to digital oilfield project design and implementation. Our global team can deliver the integrated operations facility design and assist with infrastructure and technology sourcing, delivery, deployment, commissioning and implementation. We have the necessary change management expertise to ensure successful implementation and subsequent adoption of your integrated operations strategy to deliver more efficient collaborative ways of working.


Based on more than twenty years of oil and gas integrated operations experience, the Stepchange Global team has worldwide expertise in all aspects of drilling remote operations centre design, delivery and ongoing support. Stepchange Global can provide drilling remote operations centre case study examples at all points in the well lifecycle from our global IOC Client list, and example white papers are available for download. References to relevant co-authored SPE technical papers are also available. For all downloads please click Here.

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