Tony Edwards to serve on International Conference Committee SPE Digital Energy Conference
Tony Edwards, CEO of Stepchange Global, has been asked to be on the committee of this international conference in Houston next year, 3-5 March 2015. He says "We are hoping and expecting that it will be as successful as it has been in previous years, it brings together innovative [...]
Tony Edwards to serve on Committee For Intelligent Energy 2013
Tony Edwards, CEO of Stepchange Global, is on the committee for the Intelligent Energy Middle East Event, to be held in Dubai, 28-30th October 2013.
Santos integrates Intelligent Field with Transformative Operations Centre Changing how Gas Fields are operated
Stepchange Global are delighted to have been working with Santos on their new operations centre. Control rooms are adding a few new tasks to their job descriptions. While they’ll always be responsible for process control and process safety, they’re now evolving into integrated operations centres, which are also responsible [...]
Santos to invest $10-$15 million Adelaide Cooper basin communications Link
ENERGY company Santos is investing $10-$15 million to build a communications network linking its Adelaide headquarters with upstream gas facilities in the Cooper Basin. It will be the third collaboration centre at the Flinders St office to improve liaison with Santos assets in the basin. The gas collaboration centre [...]
BHP Billiton IROC
Stepchange Global are delighted to be working with mining giant BHP Billiton on their new Integrated Remote Operations Centre (IROC). Officially opened in July, the centre in Perth provides a real-time view of the company's entire Pilbara iron ore operations, many located thousands of kilometres away. The company hope it [...]
Stepchange Global deliver 3 day IO course to Lukoil Overseas
LUKOIL Overseas Group is a growing oil and gas company comprising an integral part of the vertically integrated oil company OAO LUKOIL. It is engaged in the exploration, acquisition, integration and subsequent efficient development of oil and gas fields outside the Russian Federation to promote the transformation of OAO LUKOIL [...]