Tony Edwards, CEO of Stepchange Global, leaders in Digital Oilfield advisory, will be part of a panel to challenge leading actors within the IO field on their perspective of the future of IO, at the IO Science and Practice conference, in Trondheim, September 29th-October 1st 2014.

Participants will explore questions such as; “Is IO now the “normal” way of working? How do we sustain IO over time? Where do they see future research challenges in IO? Can IO thinking be transferred to other areas, and if so, which areas? How does IO play a role when we move into remote areas/harsh environments?”

Tony will be joined on the panel by Trond Lilleng of Statoil, Kaare Finbak of Kongsberg, Frans van den Berg of Shell, Pieter Kapteijn of FossilFuture and Arne Holhjen from NPD, all leading experts in the IO field.

This is the tenth event hosted by the IO Centre, and brings together experience and skills at the leading edge of the Digital Oilfield movement.  Twenty five speakers from international oil and gas companies, service companies, R&D and Universities will be headed by Tord Lien, Minister of Petroleum and Energy and Helge Lund, CEO of Statoil among others.  Tony, along with his peers, considers this to be an event that leads the way in developing and sustaining IO projects across the industry.  “We are at a crossroads in the history of IO” he said.  “Ten years in it is becoming the “new normal” as a way of working, but we still have a lot to learn and develop, particularly in the implementation of fully IO enabled projects – looking at why some have failed to capitalise fully on IO and learning from those to ensure that future projects maximise the value from the latest technologies at every level”.

The 10th IO Conference attracted more than 240 participants to this international meeting place for business and science, with 25 speakers from international oil and gas companies, service industry, R&D and research institutions.

To find out more see the conference website where there are pictures and presentations from this IO Conference as well as material from the previous conferences.