Tony Edwards, CEO of Stepchange Global, will be presenting at the upcoming Global Forum on Digital Oilfields, to be held in Amsterdam, 11-12th September 2014.

The forum is an exclusive event gathering together global oil and gas companies, leading associations and O&G research organizations, creating a flexible and dynamic platform for leading experienced integrated operations’ experts. It is aimed to encourage extensive brainstorming, exchanging of ideas and networking in a business-friendly environment.  Topics covered will include:

  • Improving decision making through digital oilfield
  • Addressing change management in digital oilfield strategy
  • Evolving knowledge management capabilities through digital oilfields
  • Integrating Real-time enterprise architecture for digital oilfields
  • Managing cyber security issues for digital oilfields
  • Analysing Big Data

Tony is delighted to have been asked to present at this high level event.  He says: “It is vital to the success of any digital oilfield implementation for an organisation to be as informed and as aware of new technologies and processes as possible.  This forum brings together speakers and delegates across the board, and is a great opportunity to share knowledge and experience.”  Tony will be speaking on “What have we learned from the first ten years of Digital Oilfield and where are we going next?”  His talk will cover:

  • The evolution of Digital Oilfield and Integrated Operations
  • Key concepts and frameworks in DOF
  • Value and Business cases
  • Key learnings and insights in implementing, sustaining and scaling DOF
  • What is next for DOF in the next 10 years

For more information on the Global Forum please go to