Tony Edwards will be presenting at the 2023 URTEC Latin America Conference, on Unconventional Remote Operations CentersTony Edwards, CEO of StepChange Global, will be presenting with Darcy Partners at URTEC 2023, focused on Latin America to be held on 4-6th December 2023 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Tony will be speaking on Wednesday 6th in Theme 9: Advanced Digital Technologies for Optimization, and he will be sharing Lessons Learned from the Practical Application of Unconventional Remote Operations Centers (IROCs) in the Oil and Gas Industry Worldwide”.  For more information:

4-6 December 2023 • Buenos Aires, Argentina

Unconventional Solutions for a Low Carbon Future

Plan now to be a part of Latin America URTeC 2023, taking place at the Hilton Buenos Aires in Puerto Madero on 4-6 December 2023.

Latin America URTeC 2023 features executive level plenaries, technical presentations, topical luncheons, poster sessions and networking receptions, as well as pre-and post-conference field trips and short courses.

The event provides the ideal space for operators, service companies, academic and research institutions, and government agencies to explore opportunities for maintaining energy demand while preparing for the transition to a decarbonized economy.  Tony Edwards’ talk on Unconventional Remote Operations Centers supports the energy industry in this way.

About URTeC

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) is the premier technical event focused on the latest science and technology applied to exploration and development of unconventional resources, with special emphasis on integration of the multiple disciplines.

For the past 10 years, URTeC has convened technical professionals and industry leaders at in-person events held in energy hubs and virtual and hybrid events during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Latin America URTeC 2023 provides an innovative, interdisciplinary look at technologies, trends and opportunities shaping the region during times of transition.

The 2023 Conference builds on the success of Latam URTeC Online 2020, a three-day event that gave technical professionals from around the globe the opportunity to connect, share their knowledge, and publish their research at the height of a global pandemic. Those same professionals and their colleagues will have the opportunity to meet in-person and continue the discussion to explore advances in unconventional resources technologies and their impact on companies, governments, and communities throughout the region and the world.

Latin America URTeC is comprised of three sponsoring organizations:

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)

Plus three host organizations:

  • Argentine Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists (AAGGP)
  • SPE Argentine Petroleum Section
  • SPE Argentine Section.

This combination of the world’s leading professional societies has brought both depth and breadth to the technical base of the conference which has attributed to the URTeC’s collaborative platform and innovation exchange sustaining and propelling our industry’s ongoing success. Host organizations’ regional perspective and extensive knowledge of Vaca Muerta and other unconventional basins in Argentina provide valuable contributions to the event.