19 06, 2012

SPE Applied Technology Workshop Bangalore, India, 19-22 June 2012


Intelligent fields are a reality. The technologies are available today; unit costs have fallen relative to overall development costs; reliability and durability have improved enabling capture of more of the benefits, so why haven’t intelligent fields taken off and become the norm? The reasons have less to do with [...]

SPE Applied Technology Workshop Bangalore, India, 19-22 June 20122023-09-21T10:39:23+00:00
21 05, 2012

Collaboration will drive the next wave of productivity gains Harvard Business Review Blogpost


May 2012 – Harvard Business Review / Collaboration Will Drive the Next Wave of Productivity Gains by Tamara J Erickson Increasing productivity — making more with less — is at the core of any company or any economy's economic progress. This content is now unavailable. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Collaboration will drive the next wave of productivity gains Harvard Business Review Blogpost2025-02-26T19:14:46+00:00
18 05, 2012

If you don’t have a social CEO you are going to be less competitive Forbes/IBM Study


May 2012 – Forbes / IBM Study: If you don’t have a social CEO you are going to be less competitive. The list of the world’s CEOs regularly includes celebrities, billionaires, big egos, risk takers, and failures. What it does not include are social media experts; but that’s about to [...]

If you don’t have a social CEO you are going to be less competitive Forbes/IBM Study2023-09-21T10:46:56+00:00
20 02, 2012

Digital Oilfield Conference London, 4th December 2012


Tony Edwards, CEO at StepChange Global, was a speaker at the 'Local Digital Oilfield Heroes' session of the Developments with the Digital Oilfield conference in London in December. Organised by the Digital Energy Journal/Finding Petroleum, the event was for oil company IT, IS and data managers who want to keep [...]

Digital Oilfield Conference London, 4th December 20122023-09-21T10:52:27+00:00
24 01, 2012

The #1 Reason Leadership Development Fails Article by Forbes


Dec 2012 - Forbes / The #1 Reason Leadership Development Fails Over the years, I’ve observed just about every type of leadership development program on the planet. And the sad thing is, most of them don’t even come close to accomplishing what they were designed to do – build better [...]

The #1 Reason Leadership Development Fails Article by Forbes2023-09-21T11:04:07+00:00
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