29 11, 2013

Technology Not the be-all-and-end-all Article by Tony Edwards


New technology for integrated operations not only brings changes that speed up the amount and quality of information available to operators, but also inevitably changes the way in which people work. Companies that integrate advances in information and communication technology and processes with workforce-related solutions will be on the cutting [...]

Technology Not the be-all-and-end-all Article by Tony Edwards2023-09-20T10:32:11+00:00
1 11, 2013

Digital Architecture leads to “Intelligent” Platforms Article by Tony Edwards


Technology trends in upstream oil and gas exploration and production provide the potential for operators to improve recovery, optimize production, and drive operational efficiencies. Already, many operators are benefiting from the predictive intelligence capabilities inherent in digital network architectures for instrumentation, valves, and controls.  In offshore platform environments, the result [...]

Digital Architecture leads to “Intelligent” Platforms Article by Tony Edwards2023-09-20T10:34:40+00:00
18 10, 2013

Collaborative Environments are Key Article by Tony Edwards


With today’s focus on unmanning or minimal manning and decreasing operational costs for remote offshore platforms, the use of “collaborative environments” ensures that operational issues can be solved with real-time information. Collaboration centres make the best use of scarce resources by creating an operations hub where experts from a variety [...]

Collaborative Environments are Key Article by Tony Edwards2023-09-20T11:05:41+00:00
7 10, 2013

Four tips to take you beyond the big data hype cycle Blog post by Svetlana Sicular


Using big data analytics in your business can save tens of millions of dollars — or open up new opportunities. But it’s early days, so here are suggestions that will help you avoid the “trough of disillusionment.”As 2013 kicked off Gartner analyst Svetlana Sicular noted in her blog that big data is [...]

Four tips to take you beyond the big data hype cycle Blog post by Svetlana Sicular2023-09-20T11:23:22+00:00
7 10, 2013

Big Data Needs Thick Data Article from Ethnography Matters


Big Data can have enormous appeal. Who wants to be thought of as a small thinker when there is an opportunity to go BIG? The positivistic bias in favor of Big Data (a term often used to describe the quantitative data that is produced through analysis of enormous datasets) as an [...]

Big Data Needs Thick Data Article from Ethnography Matters2023-09-20T11:27:22+00:00
1 10, 2013

It’s Not Just the Technology By Tony Edwards


Clearly Integrated Operations (IO) is not just about technology.  The most significant change that has taken place is in the way companies are organized in order to maximise the value from having this real-time data and information. Many businesses see this as a technology-enabled transformation programme, whereby the way people [...]

It’s Not Just the Technology By Tony Edwards2023-09-20T11:31:41+00:00
30 09, 2013

Generation Touch Will Redraw Consumer Tech Article from TechCrunch


Ten years ago, young adults and those in their late teens were among the fastest and earliest adopters of new social networks — Friendster, Myspace, and ultimately Facebook — and many other products that define us today. So we should be looking to today’s generation, who people often refer to [...]

Generation Touch Will Redraw Consumer Tech Article from TechCrunch2023-09-20T11:37:34+00:00
26 09, 2013

Changing Times Article by Tony Edwards


The times they are definitely a-changing.  Walk into any major operator in Houston, Aberdeen, or Stavanger and you cannot fail to notice that people are working differently and using state-of-the-art technology to produce oil and gas more efficiently. Offices are just not like they used to be. So what can [...]

Changing Times Article by Tony Edwards2023-09-20T11:40:02+00:00
1 07, 2013

Stackholm Syndrome Article from Gigaom


I don’t think I’m alone in observing a strange phenomenon that is going on these days with IT. I call it Stackholm Syndrome. Sufferers are IT professionals who feel trapped by their software stack vendors – but have grown so accustomed to their bondage that they feel lost without them.

Stackholm Syndrome Article from Gigaom2025-02-26T19:13:19+00:00
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