5 06, 2024

GO Digital Energy 5-6th June 2024, Amsterdam


Tony Edwards, CEO, will be taking part in a Close-Door Discussion on "Learning from Failure on Implementing Digital and Decarbonisation Technologies" at the 8th Annual Summit of the GO Digital Energy Conference, to be held in Amsterdam on 5-6th June 2024. The discussion will focus on why companies fail at [...]

GO Digital Energy 5-6th June 2024, Amsterdam2024-08-29T10:18:16+00:00
25 03, 2024

EAGE Digital 25-27th March 2024, Paris


Tony Edwards, CEO will be taking part in a panel on March 27th on the topic  "Efficient change management is essential for a successful digital transformation" at EAGE Digital 2024, to be held in Paris.  The conference brings together key digital and energy leaders, under the theme of "Delivering Better [...]

EAGE Digital 25-27th March 2024, Paris2024-04-03T10:32:09+00:00
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