
StepChange Global Digital and Integrated Operations glossary

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There are currently 29 names in this directory beginning with the letter A.
Advanced Analytics and Emerging Technologies (legacy Anadarko, now Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) acronym)

The AAET digtalization and data analytics initiative is discussed in the SPE JPT here and here

Anadarko's Real-Time Drilling AAET initiative is featured in a youtube video here

Advanced Collaboration Environment (a BP acronym)

The Advanced Collaborative Environment (ACE) Programme was BP's strategic global implementation of ‘Real Time' Production and Drilling Operations Support Environments. ACE's were a key theme within the BP Field of the Future strategy.

See example SPE technical papers 20400-MS, 100113-MS, 106982-MS, 107035-MS, 112196-MS, 123101-MS, 123801-MS, 128650-MS, 138595-MS for further technical details

Asset Decision Environment (Chevron acronym)

Chevron and SAIC implemented asset decision environments (ADEs) across their global business units as part of the Chevron i-field initiative.

See example SPE technical papers 112215-MS, 112260-MS, 115367-MS, 149668-MS for further technical details

Advanced Drilling Simulation and Engineering Center (CNOOC acronym)

Please see SPE technical paper 180685-MS for further technical details

Applied Drilling Technology,  drilling optimization services (Halliburton acronym)

Automated drilling units (Gazprom Neft acronym)

Agile management is the application of the principles of Agile software development principles to business and management processes

Autonomous inflow control device

Autonomous Inspection Vehicle, the i-Tech 7 term for their fully autonomous, subsea vehicle deployed for unmanned inspections of pipelines, umbilicals, risers and subsea structures

Analytics  is defined as the field of data analysis.  Analytics often involved studying past historical data to research potential trends, to analyse the effects of certain decisions or events, or to evaluate the performance of a given tool or scenario.  The goal of analytics is to improve the business by gaining knowledge which can be used to make improvements or changes.

Definition provided by Priori Analytica

ANN (or NN)
Artificial neural network (or neural network)

Advanced Process Control (BP acronym)

APC uses mathematical models derived from a refinery site’s data to find the optimal operation parameters

APEX is BPs digital twin of their simulation and surveillance system (BP acronym)

APEX is discussed in the SPE JPT here

APEX is featured in a youtube video here

(1) An application programming interface is a method for computer programs to share thir data and functionality with other computer programs
(2) American Petroleum Institute
(3) API gravity, a measure of hydrocarbon liquid density when compared to that of water, it is therefore an inverse measure of  the hydrocarbon liquid's specific gravity

Advanced Production Optimization (an Equinor acronym)

See example SPE technical paper OTC-30477-MS for further technical details

Augmented reality

AR is discussed in the SPE JPT here, here, here and here

Automated Rig Activity Measurement (Saudi Aramco acronym)

See example SPE technical paper 181315-MS for further technical details

Autonomous Robot for Gas and Oil Sites (Total acronym)

See example SPE technical paper 175471-MS for further technical details

ARGUS is the BP cloud-hosted data platform which holds data on their 2,500 wells located around the globe

An autonomous oil spill detection system comprising an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV, or autonomous boat) and a Drone

Please see SPE technical paper OTC-30894-MS for further technical details

(1) Assembly, Repair and Testing Centre (Petroleum Development Oman LLC (PDO) and Schlumberger acronym)

(2) Advanced Rig Technology, an IADC drilling automation initiative

Advantage Real-Time Engineer (Baker Hughes acronym)

Please see SPE technical paper 112086-MS for further technical details  

Automated remote control and management system (Tatneft acronym, from Russian)

Please see OIJ technical paper OIJ-2017-10-120-124-RU for further technical details (NB in Russian)

Autonomous surface vehicle, which are also known as (1) unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) or (2)  unmanned surface vessels (USVs) are boats that operate on the surface of the water without a crew

Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of unmanned systems and robotics.  AUVSI represents corporations and professionals involved in industry, government and academia.