StepChange Global Digital and Integrated Operations glossary
There are currently 20 names in this directory beginning with the letter M.
Manage by Exception
Manage by Exception is where you only look at things which are an exception to, or are significantly different from an expected result of the process
(i) Management of Change (aka Change Management)
The key role of change management in digital transformation is presented by the SPE DSDE here and here
(ii) Mobile Operational Center (Gazprom Neft term)
The key role of change management in digital transformation is presented by the SPE DSDE here and here
(ii) Mobile Operational Center (Gazprom Neft term)
Mine of the Future™ is a Rio Tinto acronym used for the application of digital and automation solutions and processes to their global mining operations
The Rio Tinto Mine of the Future™ is show on youtube here
The Rio Tinto Mine of the Future™ is show on youtube here
Multi-purpose dynamic simulator (Shell acronym)
Please see SPE technical paper OTC-30838-MS for further technical details
Please see SPE technical paper OTC-30838-MS for further technical details
Machinery and Power Support Center (Chevron acronym). The MPSC is located in the Chevron Houston offices.
The Chevron MPSC is described in a youtube video here
The Chevron MPSC is described in a youtube video here