
StepChange Global Digital and Integrated Operations glossary

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There are currently 9 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.
Torque and Drag

Telemining is the control of remote underground mining operations from the surface

Please also see teleoperations

Theory guided data science (OMV acronym)

See example SPE technical paper 200540-PA for further technical details

Thamama Subsurface Collaboration Center
Thamama Subsurface Collaboration Center, an ADNOC Integrated Operations facility located in the United Arab Emirates

The Thamama Subsurface Collaboration Center is featured on video here


The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major divisions of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in the United States

In 2016, the TRB published their Special Report 322 entitled "Application of Remote Real-Time Monitoring to Offshore Oil and Gas Operations", which is available for download here and here

True Vertical Depth Sub Sea is defined as TVD minus the elevation above mean sea level of the depth reference point of the well